The change has begun.
I saw the poem on caleb's and it reminded me of another story that I like, so I decided to post it here.
Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, And Nobody.
This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.
There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody thought that Anybody could do it,
but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
The End
I suddenly became aware that you guys are starting to convert me. I posted on my blog, and didn't update my xanga. I think it's starting to happen, the change has begun. I don't know if I can stop it, but it's a natural gravitation. When I see you guys all the time and never see the other people in the xanga world, I'm naturally going to steer towards the people I'm around more.
Anyways, I'd post another picture but I'm not at home, I'm still in Da citaay! Tha's gangsta talk for Dallas. and Dallas is so big that you don't really have to worry about not saying the real name in fear of people tracking you down and stuff like that. We should be home by tonight right after we make a pit stop in Lake town for a few hours. We will find out the fate of our poems and stories (that were entered in the contest) tonight at the meeting.
As for tomorrow, I will be out and about with spiffy texan and amanda at a consumer decision making contest for 4-H. We will have bucket loads of fun I'm sure and try our very best. I've actually done this contest before and it was fun.
Well I have nothing else to say, so........ be sure and eat all your sparkling flavored water!
Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, And Nobody.
This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.
There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.
Everybody thought that Anybody could do it,
but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
The End
I suddenly became aware that you guys are starting to convert me. I posted on my blog, and didn't update my xanga. I think it's starting to happen, the change has begun. I don't know if I can stop it, but it's a natural gravitation. When I see you guys all the time and never see the other people in the xanga world, I'm naturally going to steer towards the people I'm around more.
Anyways, I'd post another picture but I'm not at home, I'm still in Da citaay! Tha's gangsta talk for Dallas. and Dallas is so big that you don't really have to worry about not saying the real name in fear of people tracking you down and stuff like that. We should be home by tonight right after we make a pit stop in Lake town for a few hours. We will find out the fate of our poems and stories (that were entered in the contest) tonight at the meeting.
As for tomorrow, I will be out and about with spiffy texan and amanda at a consumer decision making contest for 4-H. We will have bucket loads of fun I'm sure and try our very best. I've actually done this contest before and it was fun.
Well I have nothing else to say, so........ be sure and eat all your sparkling flavored water!
At 2:46 PM, Anonymous said…
Sparkling flavored water......funny.
Spiffy Texan
Life is like cards, you only get one hand, so shut up and win with it.
(another original quote)
At 3:46 PM, Bree said…
haha yeah but folding is no fun, manditory at times, but no fun.
Unfortunately,no. I wish that I could lay claim to the authorship of it, but I can't. I'll just be satisfied in the fact that someone thought I might actually be that clever.
I first heard it when I was asked to read it at a 4H thing along time ago for the inspiration.
At 3:51 PM, Anonymous said…
Hey bree nice story. can it really be true, do people actully do this kind of stuff. I have heard that people really do procrastinate, but I have never run into it myself. Just a random question,but have any of you guys ever run or helped someone on a paper route? I did this morning at 1:00 a.m. and I will tell that it is one crazy time. catch you later. Tikily Nikily. P.S. read my comment from your last blog. check it out.
At 4:21 PM, Anonymous said…
Evan ran a paper route with you, y'all stole all our toilet paper when you guys made a "teepee" (TP) fire.
(wow, I can harddly type, my hands are shakkking from a harrd dayyy combined with too much coffeeeeeejeheek0
Lord of the Beans was great, except too short for my liking. I am a firm believer in the fact that the length of every film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.
Spiffy Texan
I could eat alphabet soup and excrete better quotes than cada!
At 12:17 AM, Feanor said…
Brianna, it appears your blog has become a war zone. How'd things go in the citay? I did go to the party, it was fun, but it would have been funner if you had come, your name was mentioned, so your presence invisibly flittered about and made all of us less mournful. And I never fold, throw all your chips down in one hand and you'll either win it all or lose it all and get to look at everybody elses cards, which is funner anyway. In friendly advice to you, Little Bling Daddy, watch your toungue or it shall be trod upon and fill your head with pain, wrath, and cursing. And there will be much gnashing of teeth.
At 12:19 AM, Feanor said…
Oh, and great pleasure and rejoicing as the evil wickedness of xanga is purged from us in a splash of distilled grout and crumbling masonry. Tomorrow will be a brighter day.
At 12:55 AM, Anonymous said…
Well Feanor,
I was wondering how you dare claim that you ever won at a game that requires folding (namely poker).
Yes, guys (oh, and BRIANA too)(I got it right) it really is 12:34 AM. I had nothing better that I could do while half asleep from laying abed for 2 hours unable to enter optimal respite mode. WAIT JUST A MINUTE!!! FEANOR DOESN'T EVEN PLAY POKER WITH CHIPS!!!! HOW DARE YOU ATTEMPT TO DEMEAN MY QUOTE AND TAKE IT AS YOUR OWN!!!!
Oh, and today is the day of the con dec contest!!! Yous guys say a prayer or ten for BRIANA!, Me, Amanda, Katie, and Latifah sometime between 3:25 and 5:00 okay? I guess I will resume my horizontally alert position until morning. Bet ten bucks Amanda is awake out there somwhere, too. She was rather nervous until I told her we would have 30 minutes to prepare oral reasons instead of her supposed 3.
Longest phone call records:
Amanda-14 minutes, 5 seconds
Bree-15 minutes, 17 seconds
Cada-38 minutes, ? seconds
Cada's sister (or sister's Cada)- 1 minute (wow, I better work on that one!)
J. Raz-19 minutes, ?seconds
Muskrat-1 hour 43 minutes 14seconds!
(and he wonders why I never want to talk to him)
Feanor-1 hour, 13 minutes,
Join the army! see the world! meet interesting people! and kill them!
At 1:11 PM, Anonymous said…
spiffy texan, why am I not on this phone list of yours. For it is I who tell you to hang up after half an hour of babble from you about things that I won't say on the internet. Is it that you are hinding your popularity so as to sink to there level and not be with me higher up. Spiffy Texan you sicken me. Later garbage man.Tikily Nikily
At 10:35 PM, Anonymous said…
STEFFEN IS HERE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Had a great time at con dec today, team got 5'th and Bree and I tied for 6th out of 56 individuals.
Rock on Bree!
Spiffy Texan
Home, home on the range
where the deer and the antelope play
and seldom is heard an inedible bird
and the grill is not idle all day.
At 10:52 PM, Anonymous said…
Well guys, (and of course gals since this IS supposed to be for Joys blog) I bet you have never had a college professor come bursting into your church sunday morning holding his thumb in his hand (it was cut off by a hog trap you see) we then had a policeman (member of our church) drive him to the hospital. Did I mention that that policeman had a gun on him?
All part of going to church with the Alders I suppose.
How in the heck does nickily post without an account? When will everyone else open their blogs to people of anonimity?
Spiffy Texan
(Bree) please call or E-mail me with your E-mail addy. The yahoo addy just bounced.
Spiffy Texan
At 11:07 PM, Feanor said…
Loggy,(or Sloggy, either way works) small correction, its LITTLE Bling Daddy, emphasis on the little, considering your dimunative 5'11 1/2 height. And wait a sec, you told me I had the longest phone call record, hmmm this is very suspicious. And man that was a hard record to set, too. With quiet shouts of grrr, I will depart,
ps: define :productive
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