The Battle with Myself

Basically what's going on with me and my sorry excuse of an effort to do God's will.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Just chop my arm off please...........

Has anyone ever had poison ivy?

Yeah .......well I hadn't.

I woke up one morning with two little itchy spots on my wrist. I thought they were mosquito I scratched them. BIG MISTAKE.

If I could rewind and try to warn myself'd be in slow motion. Me running towards and diving for myself as I shout out NOOOooooo! whilst my fingernails are poised above my itching arm.

What started out small has spread.....up my arm.......up my other arm........on my legs......on my stomache....on my chest, and hopefully it will stop at that. (not much more it could spread to anyways)

My oozing and weeping wounds became unbearable and rather nasty looking (still is) so we made a pit stop at the doctors office. She confirmed it as poison Ivy and the nurse proceeded to give me a shot. It helped, but in the middle of the night I woke up with an insane desire to rub my limbs with sand paper. So instead of exfoliating my infected skin, I scratched and rubbed it till it burned......and then I couldn't sleep, but eventually I did.

Hopefully it will shrivel and dry up post haste and not affect my weekend or coming trip.

Friday, April 21, 2006

A new chapter begins

This is not new news to some of you, but
I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNT!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!!!
I'm so's going to be weird though.

Yeah we've known for awhile that they (Brock and Krissy) were expecting , but it always skipped my memory to post about it.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

My forsest scrambling ramblings.

Today I went running like a mad man through the woods seeking out adventure. I followed the stream until I heard my name being called.Voices of little children calling my name. "Brianaaaaa!" I ran back towards the house not really because I was being called but because the brush was too thick to continue that way.

My name ceased being called and I then proceeded to find me a "sword" (aka wooden stick) (haha what else would a stick be besides wooden?) (stick o' dynamite, stick o candy, stick o' ???) I wanted to practice fighting, but it's rather ridiculous and confusing when there's noone there to duel with, atleast it was for me.

So after swinging it around a bit and deciding it was doing me no good at all and I went running through the forest again, this time in another direction.

I scanned the woods for a worthy climbing tree, and one that could be climbed. I saw one that might work and dashed off towards it.

Upon reaching it I saw something stuck inbetween the trunk and the vine that was growing on it. What was it ? A small animal? No! It was a moccasin! Not the snake, but the shoe.

I laughed to myself as I picked up the shoe. I had decided that the tree was not climbable, atleast not very much of it, and I continued on my search.

I came upon another tree that had a barb wire running straight through it's trunk. I assumed that the tree had naturally grown around it thus engulfing it and causing it to be forever one with the wire.

We had a tree like that in "lake town" except it was a massive sea shell. It was completely visible (though immovable) when we moved to that house, and today you would not see an inch of shell showing anywhere on it. Only a odd growth between the two trunks.

I climbed the ascendable part of the tree and hung between two vines to let my self down on the other side.

I came to the conclusion that we need to put a rope swing there and use the "wire tree" as the platform to jump off of. The way the tree is formed would be excellent indeed for such a thing. Alas though, for there were no big trees around from which we could hang one.

Thus ends my entry.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Pirate pics!

Hey this thing won't let me put pictures up for some just check it out on xanga and leave comments here.....if you don't have xanga.
I'm telling you.......xanga is just better.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Da Partay!

Some pictures from the partay! It was awkward at first but awesome my humble opinion.

We had a good turn out. I noticed a couple of people who several times looked like they would rather be doing something else though. I hope noone was bored out of their mind and I hope everyone had a good time.

We never did get around to having the contest though.....oh well, no matter.

Should we do it again sometime?

I will post my pirate pictures later.....Savy?

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Tug 'o war

This past weekend was awesome. I realized how much I miss everybody and how sad it is that I don't know what's going on in their lives.
Our Crew went to the Venturing Outdoor Games at Pirtle.
We didn't get first but our yellow team came in 4th.
In the morning it was COPE, shot gun shooting, and rifle shooting. Surprisingly I did better on the rifle shooting, and Claire (having never played it till that night) came in 2nd place in the Texas hold 'em tournament. It was crazy. In a building full of boy scouts who play cards constantly, lil Claire who had never played before beat most of em. She has many hidden talents. Teh heh.

After lunch we all went down in front of the pool and were paired off in teams to compete in the "Tug 'o war" contest. There wasn't a mud pit (sadly) but there was a concrete sidewalk in the middle. (hmm ouch) We won our first round with relative ease and moved on to the next team when our turn came again. We won that round as well, and moved on again. It got a little bit harder each time but it was still pretty easy I guess. It finally got down two the last two teams. It was us and them, someone would win, someone would lose. The question was "who would be victorious?" We started out with 2 guys and 2girls on our team, but one of our guys started to feel sick so we substituted lil Claire for him before the last round started. The other team consisted of 3 guys and 1 girl. Ours was now just the opposite, 3 girls and 1 guy.

"Ready set GO!" We pulled and strained to keep our ground, but slowly we were being pulled to the other side. We were getting awfully close to the concrete sidewalk. If we touched it we would lose. I dug my feet into the grass and struggled to keep my ground and not move. If we couldn't gain ground we could atleast keep them from gaining any more. I was determined. There was no giving up even if defeat was inevitable. I got a better grip of the rope and we all started to slowly take steps backwards. It wasn't alot of progress but every little step mattered. We'd pull them a little, they'd pull us little. It was haaaarsh. It was awful. I wanted to keel over and die. I mean how easy would it be to just let go? But" NO......must keep fighting, we can do this". The battle lasted for an eternity compared to the rather quick rounds before hand.
Slowly they began to tire. Slowly and surely we would gain a little here and a little there. The other crews were shouting "Come on! They're just a bunch of girls!!" Which of course only empowered us.
Oh NO! I slipped. "Get back up and pull!" Oh NO! Camille slipped! She too got back up and pulled. They were wearing out......PULL!! We pulled and strained and pulled and strained. "Just a little more and you got em!" Shouts Crispy our adult leader. We pull harder and the other team scoots back on the rope to keep from touching the concrete, " ahhh a retreat" thinks I. Finally in weary desperation the other team gives up and drops the rope. VICTORY!
We go unhitch our ox John Todd from the rope and we all fall on the ground and softly pat eachother on the back, no longer able to use our muscles. I literally could not open and close my hands, my legs were like jello. We had taken the test of endurance and conquered.
& That's how 3 girls and 1 guy, beat 3 guys and 1 girl in tug 'o war. The victory was most definitly sweet.

Monday, April 03, 2006

First impressions

Well peoples, I'm gonna post this before I forget about it, and forget what it was like.

First impressions always fascinate me.
They are usually completely wrong and it's so weird to look back and try to picture people the way you first saw them and what you first thought.
I had many first impressions of lots of new people not too long ago. And now I'm going to tell you what they were BUT! return you must tell me (honestly) what your first impression of me was as well. Even if it was something like...."wow that girl looks like a little tea pot" (you know the rest)

Courtney and Nick: I think they were actually the first people we ever saw.(it was either them or Josh.J) We went to wal-mart to get our pictures for the year book taken. We parked the van and this truck pulled in right beside us. A young guy and girl got out and they were both wearing red NAHSA shirts. They waited to make an appointment, and Courtney kept turning around and looking at us through the glass like "who are these strange people?" Nick paid us no mind.
Nick seemed like a normal calm guy, so when we saw him again at the family night I was totally taken aback and was like "whoa he's totally different than he looked the first time" I thought Courtney was nice. She reminded me so much of a friend I have in Lake Town, but not so much anymore. She has her own identity now.

Josh: Y'all have heard me say this before, but the first time I saw Josh was also at wal-mart. He was with his Dad (I'm pretty sure, even though I haven't met Mr.J) I remember him because I thought he looked alot like his Dad and I distinctly remember thinking to myself, and I think I even said so to Mom, "I bet that kid is homeschooled. He looks homeschooled." and I was right.

Joy: I saw her out in the field playing flag football. I remember thinking "That girl is really pretty, she's short too." and even though she was short I thought she was older, so when I found out she was only 15 I was surprised. I thought she looked like a lil indian maiden, and I wondered if we'd end up being friends.

Logan: We first met Logan at a family night. He was actually the first person we officially met. He was wearing his scout uniform and playing football which I thought was kind of strange, but I just figure he had come from a scout event and hadn't brought anything else to wear. He was very formal "Hi I'm Logan .S" shakes Branden's hand. "I'm Branden .S." and same thing pretty much with me. I remember thinking he was very friendly and nice seeing as he was pretty much the only person who was conversing with us. I remember catching the ball one time and trying to run through the swarms of little kids trying to grab my flag. In attempting to keep my flag I ended up falling rather hard on my bum. It didn't hurt (for it was well cushioned) but I remember Logan saying "whoa I could feel the's like an earth quake" I wondered what he meant by that, but I decided not to take it the wrong way. besides I was pretty much too embarrassed to care. What a way to make a good first impression......Fall down on your bum, yup sure fire way to appear cool.
*Edit* yeah I forgot to say that I pretty much thought you were a nerd.....friendly and nice......but a nerd none the less. You didn't run around in flag football you just kind of's hard to exlpain but it was interesting. but the more I was around you the more you astounded me. You did things that (at the time) seemed very out of character for you.

Jeff and Amanda: I met them at the family night too. They came later of course but I remember thinking "hmm she looks cool, I wonder how old they are?" Course I couldn't really tell which one was older since Jeff is like Mr. "I can break concrete blocks with my hands". She was pretty quiet during the capture the flag game and I made attempts to talk to her by asking various questions. Later I found out that she and Jeff were Brother and sister ( I had assumed as much) but that they were also 17 and 15. I thought that was awesome cause that was the exact ages of Branden and I. I was thinking to myself " I bet us four are going to be good friends" and later, the more we talked the more we found out how much our family's are alike....excusing the significantly larger number of people in ours. So from the start I knew and had a feeling that we would be good friends.

Steffen and Aarrin: I met these two crazy people at the white elephant party. I remember walking in and wondering who they were cause they hadn't been to anything that we had been to so far. Aarrin was pretty much playing four square that whole night while steffen was talking to people. I remember thinking, "hmm that Aarrin guy is pretty cute, but why does he let his little brother boss him around like that?." I'm not joking. I thought Aarrin was about 16 and Steffen was about 14. Sorry , but that's how it was. That night was hilarious. I sat on the porch swing with Steffen and Evan and listened as they conversed (or argued whichever way you look at it) about various things. One topic was the fact that the man who played Chewbacca was uglier than Chewbacca himself and he should just leave the costume on. All in all I liked Steffen and Aarrin and I remember actually being glad that the Muskrat was going to winter camp cause he seemed like a fun guy. Oh how little I knew then. I'm much wiser now.( I hope) Ha! do you guys remember the butt soap and Mrs. Reese? hahaha!

Leighanne: I don't actually remember when I first met her. I think it was in a group of several people and why I can't remember. But I do remember when I first really talked to her. It was at the skating party. And we talked about the choir that used to exist and theater and drama and venturing and other various things. I thought she was a nice girl, and I also thought she was older than she was so I was surprised (again) when I found out. In fact I thought the same thing about Courtney R. too. Maybe I'm just bad with ages. hmmm yeah , think so.

Caleb: I saw him from a distance on a grassy field in the middle of a bunch of scrambling people. They were all playing football.
I remember thinking as I watched him walk that it was a very smooth and fluid movement. He just kind of I dunno, He was always calm and poised, ready for whatever might happen. He made me feel rather stupid at one point. After we had gotten into the game and after I had fallen on my bum the teams were lining up for another down and I lined up on the wrong side. The first thing Caleb ever said to me was "You're supposed to be on that side." he said pointing to the other team. " oh.... right" I replied suddenly realizing he was right " I knew that." After falling on my bum and confusing my teams I was just like " yeah bet he thinks I'm smart."
I also remember he had one of the most intriguing faces I had ever seen ( intriguing in a good way mind you) and so he caught me looking at him perhaps more than a few times, but I might add that his mother was also pointing out who her children were, and I was seeing the similarities between him and joy, but I just couldn't see it in Josh at all. In fact I was in a very watchful state that night, just taking in all the new faces and people. I don't know if that made the guys uncomfortable or not but I remember they all got up and went over to the other porch on the side of the house. Oh and I distinctly remember at volley ball one day while everyone was choosing teams, being called( I don't remember if it was Caleb or not) "Branden's sister."

Evan: I heard his voice before ever seeing his face. The day Branden and I came to our first speech class we were a tad late late (so what else is new?) and the class had already started.( great, just great) I didn't want to walk in there, but I decided to be strong and I led the way as we walked through the door into a room full of people we had never met to a class that was half way through it's year with a teacher we had also never seen. After scanning the room I realized that the only two chairs left were in the very front row. No slipping in the back pew unnoticed for us, "here we go". We sat down, and as soon as the teacher started to ask for opinions or suggestions I heard this unfamiliar voice. I wondered who it belonged to for I had never heard it before. It was the most prominent as far as giving opinions and suggestions. Once the class was over and we had introduced ourselves to Dr.Doyle, we were standing about in the living room watching as people put up chairs and put tables where they went. I remember seeing this tall fellow walk by first this way and then that, andwondering who he was cause he hadn't been at the family night. I remember thinking to myself (and I kidd you not) " I wonder who that is? He's the best looking guy I've seen in this group so far."
He then went over to Branden and introduced himself. (Evan told me that's what he was doing) I remember him talking to Branden but I don't remember what he said because I had finally made the connection of who the voice belonged to and was too busy thinking about that.
He later put Owen's hat on and wore it for the rest of the afternoon. He and Nick were crazy at V-ball and kept shouting "Pull it together Men!" His personality was totally different than he looked at speech. That night at the white elephant I pretty much just listened to him and Steff talk and quarrel, putting in my two cents here and there, but the absolute most hilarious moment was when he started to tell the story of Jesse and his Ketchup. I laughed so hard I cried, and it was wonderful. I hadn't laughed that hard and that much in soo long, it was pure bliss. I was sorely dissapointed when we had to go home because I had finally made some friends.

Anyways that's all I can think of right now. If I think of something later I will add it in. I would have put in Esther and Christa and Sarah and whoever else I missed but since they don't have blog I didn't know if they would see it anyways, which is really the whole point.
Be grateful for the post. It took awhile to think out and type out. You may not be getting another post from me for a while seeing as I need to seriously crack down on school since I will be leaving for two weeks in May.
Gosh! I'm so sad cause I'll never see anybody anymore. Only a few more times and then......who knows? *tear.........tear*
Okay.......Now you guys hold up your end of the deal!