My forsest scrambling ramblings.
Today I went running like a mad man through the woods seeking out adventure. I followed the stream until I heard my name being called.Voices of little children calling my name. "Brianaaaaa!" I ran back towards the house not really because I was being called but because the brush was too thick to continue that way.
My name ceased being called and I then proceeded to find me a "sword" (aka wooden stick) (haha what else would a stick be besides wooden?) (stick o' dynamite, stick o candy, stick o' ???) I wanted to practice fighting, but it's rather ridiculous and confusing when there's noone there to duel with, atleast it was for me.
So after swinging it around a bit and deciding it was doing me no good at all and I went running through the forest again, this time in another direction.
I scanned the woods for a worthy climbing tree, and one that could be climbed. I saw one that might work and dashed off towards it.
Upon reaching it I saw something stuck inbetween the trunk and the vine that was growing on it. What was it ? A small animal? No! It was a moccasin! Not the snake, but the shoe.
I laughed to myself as I picked up the shoe. I had decided that the tree was not climbable, atleast not very much of it, and I continued on my search.
I came upon another tree that had a barb wire running straight through it's trunk. I assumed that the tree had naturally grown around it thus engulfing it and causing it to be forever one with the wire.
We had a tree like that in "lake town" except it was a massive sea shell. It was completely visible (though immovable) when we moved to that house, and today you would not see an inch of shell showing anywhere on it. Only a odd growth between the two trunks.
I climbed the ascendable part of the tree and hung between two vines to let my self down on the other side.
I came to the conclusion that we need to put a rope swing there and use the "wire tree" as the platform to jump off of. The way the tree is formed would be excellent indeed for such a thing. Alas though, for there were no big trees around from which we could hang one.
Thus ends my entry.
My name ceased being called and I then proceeded to find me a "sword" (aka wooden stick) (haha what else would a stick be besides wooden?) (stick o' dynamite, stick o candy, stick o' ???) I wanted to practice fighting, but it's rather ridiculous and confusing when there's noone there to duel with, atleast it was for me.
So after swinging it around a bit and deciding it was doing me no good at all and I went running through the forest again, this time in another direction.
I scanned the woods for a worthy climbing tree, and one that could be climbed. I saw one that might work and dashed off towards it.
Upon reaching it I saw something stuck inbetween the trunk and the vine that was growing on it. What was it ? A small animal? No! It was a moccasin! Not the snake, but the shoe.
I laughed to myself as I picked up the shoe. I had decided that the tree was not climbable, atleast not very much of it, and I continued on my search.
I came upon another tree that had a barb wire running straight through it's trunk. I assumed that the tree had naturally grown around it thus engulfing it and causing it to be forever one with the wire.
We had a tree like that in "lake town" except it was a massive sea shell. It was completely visible (though immovable) when we moved to that house, and today you would not see an inch of shell showing anywhere on it. Only a odd growth between the two trunks.
I climbed the ascendable part of the tree and hung between two vines to let my self down on the other side.
I came to the conclusion that we need to put a rope swing there and use the "wire tree" as the platform to jump off of. The way the tree is formed would be excellent indeed for such a thing. Alas though, for there were no big trees around from which we could hang one.
Thus ends my entry.
At 1:59 PM,
Leighanne said…
Yes, music would help. The PTO theme song should work; duuuuun! dun dun dun dun duuuun! dun dun dun dun duuuun! Anyways, we definitely do the woods thing. There is a creek near our house, quite rough and wild, which I frequently frequent (haha). One time, I decided to wade through the creek, instead of crawling around on the bank. Well, in a momentary lapse of attention, the water went suddenly from 1 foot deep to 6 feet deep! So I came back home, half drowned and spoting the usual thick mud and bloody scrapes, and some of you may wonder at the sony looks I received from my parents!
At 5:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
To Cada. I loved romping in the woods! I still do but I really don't have time for that anymore. Well I've gotta run.
To Briana: Hi. Courtney Y. called me today about my hoopskirt and I will get it tonight. Thanks for letting me know!
At 6:47 PM,
Bree said…
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At 6:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Me and Rustin walked around in the the was creepy, but way cool!
At 9:05 AM,
Leighanne said…
Obviously, most of us enjoy an adventure in the woods now and then. Hence why most of the guys are Boy Scouts and the girls keep talking about a Venturing group (what happened to that?). Sometime we should all go camping or something.
At 10:26 AM,
Bree said…
Christa- YOU NEED TO GET A BLOG! Paul too. Even if you don't, I'm glad you are commenting so much. Keep it up! We like hearing from you. I'm glad things worked out with the skirt.
It's been ahwile since I've done it, but whenever we'd go out to our grandparents we'd spend all day out in the woods and the creek. Someone always fell in. However because I'm so nimble and sure of foot,*ahem* that person was never me. Although going out and just getting filthy dirty is tons of fun.
We'd have wars, brock and my older cousin on one side, and branden kerry(another cousin, for those who have seen it, he's the one called morphine who steals the disc on bagman) and I on the other.
Each side had "secret" hideouts and we'd try to spy on eachother and not get caught.
Each of us would have a sword/walking stick that we would fight with when confronted.
*sigh* It was totally awesome.
I remember for brandens birthday one year. He had a bunch of friends over at our grandparents and we played LOTR.
Certain people were orcs and the like and other people were characters from the fellowship.
Dad was gandalf, hence the name "david the grey." and branden was Frodo. Certain people were deemed as more powerful like the trolls and wraiths were more deadly than the orcs and so forth.
We then decided what certain places were like, Rivendell and moria and Mt doom. The object of the game was to go to each place in chronological order and eventually make it to Mt Doom without dying or losing the ring.
We developed certain rules as far as when you die or are injured and all that good stuff.
DUDE! we should do that some time. I can't even describe how fun that would be.
At 3:13 PM,
Leighanne said…
Man! that would be fun! we should definitely do that. My sister and I made up a game of our own once, similar in form to that which you just described. It was remarkably like Capture the Flag, which is funny because neither of us had ever heard of it then. We played it on park days at Maroney a lot, but I don't think any of you were there, and I know Briana wasn't! Well, do any of you remember playing a game called Castle Mysteries? Each team has a "treasure" and you send spies to find the treasure, capture it, and return safely without getting tagged by the opposite team and put in jail. See the similarites? There were, of course, a lot of special rules, but it wasn't near as good as Bree's sounds. :-)
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