Tug 'o war
This past weekend was awesome. I realized how much I miss everybody and how sad it is that I don't know what's going on in their lives.
Our Crew went to the Venturing Outdoor Games at Pirtle.
We didn't get first but our yellow team came in 4th.
In the morning it was COPE, shot gun shooting, and rifle shooting. Surprisingly I did better on the rifle shooting, and Claire (having never played it till that night) came in 2nd place in the Texas hold 'em tournament. It was crazy. In a building full of boy scouts who play cards constantly, lil Claire who had never played before beat most of em. She has many hidden talents. Teh heh.
After lunch we all went down in front of the pool and were paired off in teams to compete in the "Tug 'o war" contest. There wasn't a mud pit (sadly) but there was a concrete sidewalk in the middle. (hmm ouch) We won our first round with relative ease and moved on to the next team when our turn came again. We won that round as well, and moved on again. It got a little bit harder each time but it was still pretty easy I guess. It finally got down two the last two teams. It was us and them, someone would win, someone would lose. The question was "who would be victorious?" We started out with 2 guys and 2girls on our team, but one of our guys started to feel sick so we substituted lil Claire for him before the last round started. The other team consisted of 3 guys and 1 girl. Ours was now just the opposite, 3 girls and 1 guy.
"Ready set GO!" We pulled and strained to keep our ground, but slowly we were being pulled to the other side. We were getting awfully close to the concrete sidewalk. If we touched it we would lose. I dug my feet into the grass and struggled to keep my ground and not move. If we couldn't gain ground we could atleast keep them from gaining any more. I was determined. There was no giving up even if defeat was inevitable. I got a better grip of the rope and we all started to slowly take steps backwards. It wasn't alot of progress but every little step mattered. We'd pull them a little, they'd pull us little. It was haaaarsh. It was awful. I wanted to keel over and die. I mean how easy would it be to just let go? But" NO......must keep fighting, we can do this". The battle lasted for an eternity compared to the rather quick rounds before hand.
Slowly they began to tire. Slowly and surely we would gain a little here and a little there. The other crews were shouting "Come on! They're just a bunch of girls!!" Which of course only empowered us.
Oh NO! I slipped. "Get back up and pull!" Oh NO! Camille slipped! She too got back up and pulled. They were wearing out......PULL!! We pulled and strained and pulled and strained. "Just a little more and you got em!" Shouts Crispy our adult leader. We pull harder and the other team scoots back on the rope to keep from touching the concrete, " ahhh a retreat" thinks I. Finally in weary desperation the other team gives up and drops the rope. VICTORY!
We go unhitch our ox John Todd from the rope and we all fall on the ground and softly pat eachother on the back, no longer able to use our muscles. I literally could not open and close my hands, my legs were like jello. We had taken the test of endurance and conquered.
& That's how 3 girls and 1 guy, beat 3 guys and 1 girl in tug 'o war. The victory was most definitly sweet.
Our Crew went to the Venturing Outdoor Games at Pirtle.
We didn't get first but our yellow team came in 4th.
In the morning it was COPE, shot gun shooting, and rifle shooting. Surprisingly I did better on the rifle shooting, and Claire (having never played it till that night) came in 2nd place in the Texas hold 'em tournament. It was crazy. In a building full of boy scouts who play cards constantly, lil Claire who had never played before beat most of em. She has many hidden talents. Teh heh.
After lunch we all went down in front of the pool and were paired off in teams to compete in the "Tug 'o war" contest. There wasn't a mud pit (sadly) but there was a concrete sidewalk in the middle. (hmm ouch) We won our first round with relative ease and moved on to the next team when our turn came again. We won that round as well, and moved on again. It got a little bit harder each time but it was still pretty easy I guess. It finally got down two the last two teams. It was us and them, someone would win, someone would lose. The question was "who would be victorious?" We started out with 2 guys and 2girls on our team, but one of our guys started to feel sick so we substituted lil Claire for him before the last round started. The other team consisted of 3 guys and 1 girl. Ours was now just the opposite, 3 girls and 1 guy.
"Ready set GO!" We pulled and strained to keep our ground, but slowly we were being pulled to the other side. We were getting awfully close to the concrete sidewalk. If we touched it we would lose. I dug my feet into the grass and struggled to keep my ground and not move. If we couldn't gain ground we could atleast keep them from gaining any more. I was determined. There was no giving up even if defeat was inevitable. I got a better grip of the rope and we all started to slowly take steps backwards. It wasn't alot of progress but every little step mattered. We'd pull them a little, they'd pull us little. It was haaaarsh. It was awful. I wanted to keel over and die. I mean how easy would it be to just let go? But" NO......must keep fighting, we can do this". The battle lasted for an eternity compared to the rather quick rounds before hand.
Slowly they began to tire. Slowly and surely we would gain a little here and a little there. The other crews were shouting "Come on! They're just a bunch of girls!!" Which of course only empowered us.
Oh NO! I slipped. "Get back up and pull!" Oh NO! Camille slipped! She too got back up and pulled. They were wearing out......PULL!! We pulled and strained and pulled and strained. "Just a little more and you got em!" Shouts Crispy our adult leader. We pull harder and the other team scoots back on the rope to keep from touching the concrete, " ahhh a retreat" thinks I. Finally in weary desperation the other team gives up and drops the rope. VICTORY!
We go unhitch our ox John Todd from the rope and we all fall on the ground and softly pat eachother on the back, no longer able to use our muscles. I literally could not open and close my hands, my legs were like jello. We had taken the test of endurance and conquered.
& That's how 3 girls and 1 guy, beat 3 guys and 1 girl in tug 'o war. The victory was most definitly sweet.
At 1:02 PM,
Neo said…
Victory is always sweet but that had to be great three girls beating three guys.HHAAAAAAAA
At 4:48 PM,
Leighanne said…
My thoughts exactly. I'm glad I wasn't there...Satan would have tempted me to brag...and I'm not sure I could have resisted. :-( Good job, though! We played tug o- war at the mud bash (doesn't that sound exiting) except that it was about 20 to 20 or so. We won, but it had nothing to do with me! That was the year that my friend Doug broke his leg jumping into the mud where it was too shallow...
At 9:23 AM,
Bree said…
All is well. The Partay is still on!!! whoop! We have not been slain by the evil one. Some members of the family were attacked, but I managed to evade him altogether. We are all back to normal (if we were normal in the first place.)
At 12:45 PM,
Bree said…
And why is that?
At 5:16 PM,
Bree said…
You think you are entitled to a name change just because two others have undergone said transformation? My my some people like to think themselves very important;)
There is no "need" to change, only desire. Endurance my good man! That is the key. This world will throw many a name upon you that you do not like and getting rid of it will not be so easy as merely changing the text on a page. However I shall grant it if you thus insist upon it. I shall not tolerate this behavior though, you must ask nicely.
Ash- I know, goodwill TOTALLY rocks!
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