Which Pride and Prejudice character are you?
I was (to say the least) very pleased with my results. Though I'm not near as wonderful as Lizzie. http://quizfarm.com/test.php?q_id=20121&first=yes
This other one said I was Bingley:http://quizfarm.com/test.php?q_id=57058&first=yes
Who are you?
You scored as Elizabeth Bennet. YOU ARE ELIZABETH! You cheated didn't you???...if you didnt, then you are witty, clever, fun to be with and enjoy studying people's characters.
Which Pride and Prejudice character are you? created with QuizFarm.com |
At 11:38 AM, Bree said…
Haha. Cada is Elizabeth! I find that funny. I thought Mr. Darcy was an option. hmmm I don't know about you but I know I'm definitely not him.
At 5:32 PM, Bree said…
You are so going to come over and spend the night or something and we are going to watch it together! I insist.
Jeff could come too and the four of us could Partay!
Even though it may seem like a girly movie it's still great and I know lots of guys( most of them live here but not all of them)that like it.
At 12:58 AM, Leighanne said…
I was Elizabeth as well, though I have never seen the movie and don't know what kind of an alter ego I am supposed to have, whether good or bad.
At 3:43 PM, Bree said…
Yeah well I'm thinking the thing was rigged, either that or just not a very good quiz.
That other one that said I was Mr.Bingley is (I think) more thorough.It had more options.
I'll have to find a better one sometime.
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