The Angry storm

As I looked and listened to the raging of the sea
I felt the sea of anger raging inside me
The storm in me raged on and on
as though it would go on forever more
and my heart grew heavier and heavier
from the anger that it stored
The storm was destroying all in it's grasp
Like this I could no longer live
and so I uttered two small words
the words were "I forgive"
And as if by some sudden command
my storm had shut it's door
A sudden peace came over me
and anger knew me no more.
At 3:54 PM,
Bree said…
Ha very nice cada with that little ditty.
It made me smile and laugh for I thought it quite witty.
Just because I post a poem that expresses a certain emotion doesn't always mean that I'm seeping in it's potion.
That poem was writ many a year ago.
I just thought I'd make a statment letting you all know.
Bree ",
At 5:32 PM,
Feanor said…
Excellent poem, I was going to say I like the fact that you have freed yourself of the mythical necessity for rhyming, BUT you wrote this many moons ago, therefore I figure the chains came later. I see this one in a more realish light, cause its grittier and closer to real life then the flowery drama of your other poems (which I LOVED by the way), that reached out to a more emotional level. In otherwords, I'm quite impressed with your versatility and your poetic ability. Another thing, the periodic rhyme thrown in is a loverly thing, you are de bomb
At 9:21 PM,
Bree said…
Yes it's a picture of the sea cada. It's during an event known as "red tide" it kills all fish and sealife in it's path. It's a natural occurence and I find it to be quite fasinating really.
I don't think it was a cruise ship. It's prolly more like a fishing boat.
Yes we're on Friday's verge. And why do you always insist on spelling why wrong steffen? Every time you try to say "why are you sad" you end up saying "way are you sad"
Wha thankee Evan! That cheered me up muchly. If I'm da bomb....then you are Dy-no-mite!
[:)> (It's a man with a funny looking gotee. Can you see it?) See I'm in a good mood now.
At 9:33 PM,
Feanor said…
::Inane laughter:: If we're all so amazing and all so happy,let's all of us explode toward the sunrise, cause I want more then fine!
At 7:02 AM,
Bree said…
On second thought may be right. It DOES look like a cruise ship....I dunno if it is though.
At 9:41 AM,
Leighanne said…
*gasp* it takes too long to read and comment on everybody's are like the millionth person I've read today.
Swimminbabii, that gae me a much needed and delightful laugh.
Oh yay, today is Friday and we all get to see each other again.
I feel totally left out of all these picture conversations, because my computer won't load pictures! *sniffle* It's not anyone's fault, but the only pictures I ever get are mine, swimminbabii's, and a select few times I see Bree's and Wolf's. Wierd.
At 11:04 AM,
Bree said…
HA ha! The Panama!
At 2:20 AM,
Feanor said…
"I hate to rain on your crazy parade, but I don't think that can be fixed."
Actually, unless my fascinating memory has created a delusional remembrance (fully possible), the red tide isn't an "event" per say, but a colony of plankton, that ::pshewp:: sucks up the oxygen in the water, depriving all othr living things of they're source of life, but umhm, anyway
At 11:51 AM,
Feanor said…
ITS A COLONY OF PLANKTON! NOT AN EVENT! The Yerkes family is a colony of humans, does that make us an event. Uh, wait a sec, that might not be a very good example.
At 12:12 AM,
Bree said…
I must step in to say that red tide IS indeed an event that occurs. It occurs when the fire algae produce toxins that are harmful to sea life. (for some reason the word alkaline is popping into my head, perhaps it's from a battery commercial just needed to say brain is soup...anyways) The species responsible for red tides on the gulf coast of Florida is a dinoflagellate called Karenia brevis. It produces brevetoxins which produce respiratory irritation in humans. (so evan you are prolly right about that part)
So's toxins produced by fire algae.
Cada .......I'm very tired. I will post tommorow.(does scouts honor apply to me? yeah sure why not.) I'm sorry I'm not as effecient as alot of people and just whiz through everything like a breeze and get everything done and have time to blog everyday. I wish I was , but I'm not.....I'm a lazy bum who wastes time and grows plump.
At 5:16 PM,
Jeff said…
Simperfy!Its cruise ship!
Bata-boom-bata-bang-bata,alot of bata, not enough boom,don't you think?
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