The old chapel
Finally at long last,
I'm going to tell you about at little place that I've fallen in love with. I've only been there once (upon a time, haha,...... yeah...... anyways) but it's just so full of history and forgotten tales that who could help but liking it.
Last month me and my family went out to see the little chapel where my brother is going to be married. It is going to be a small wedding so the chapel is also small.The church is also right beside a cemetery. I know what you're thinking, "who would want to get married next to a graveyard?" this is sort of the same thing I was thinking at first. That is, until I saw it for myself.
We pulled up in the long circle driveway that circled round in front of the chapel. The grounds were well kept and very pretty in my opinion, even in the "winter" time.The chapel itself is atleast a hundred years old. It was built using the same plans for a church that existed/exists in Mexico. It is all made of stone and has a wide stair leading up to the door. Inside there was an beautiful old organ. It doesn't play anymore but we were told that there was only one or two more like it in existence.
Inside the chapel were several narrow rows of wooden pews. Not cut straight but curved and carved beautifuly. The chapel also had stained glass windows and several slim dormers in the rafters that made the ceiling look quite gothic in era. The sun shone through the them, casting streams of light throughout the room. On the east and west sides of wall near the roof are two round stained glass windows, one on each side and yellow in hue. It was late in the afternoon when we arrived, just the time for the sun to be perfectly positioned to shine through the front circular window casting a golden haze on everything.
As cool as all this other stuff was, the most thrilling thing to me about this chapel was that, it had a tower. Oh yes, a tower. There is hardly anything I like so much as a tower on a old(or new but old is cooler) building. It was the highlight of everything that day. Unfortunately to my utter disappointment the stairs leading up to it had been taken down. It just made me wonder what exactly there were trying to hide up there, hmmm. Personally I think they should install a spiral staircase. Which btw I hardly like anything so much as those too. Towers, spiral staircases, balconies and secret passages, *sigh* nothing can compare. Well almost nothing anyways.
So the church was awesome, but the cemetery was also quite a magnificent thing itself. Have any of you guys seen Phantom of the Opera? The new one? Well the best way to describe this cemetery would be to say that it looked so much like the one on that movie, just smaller scale. (Which I love that movie as well, and not only because it has towers, spiral, staircases, balconies, and secret passages in it either.) If you have not seen the movie.....SEE IT! and to describe the cemetery to those poor, sheltered, deprived people who haven't seen it, all of the tombstones and monuments were very old and some of them very large and grand. The monumental statues just sent thrills up my spine. So many stories, so much history, so much sorrow.
Down the drive on the other side of the lawn across from the church is an arched trellis, which I suspect has climbing roses growing on it in the warmer months. It is the entrance to a stepping stone path. If you follow the path it leads you to a small pond fed by a creek. Over this creek lies a little arched foot bridge which is quite charming. After crossing the bridge there is a gazebo type structure not ten feet away. It too is made out of some kind of stone and it's roof covers what was once an old drinking pool. If standing there under it doesn't make you feel like you're in a different age , then you have one sorry imagination. Of course unworthy and disgraceful folk have engraved their runes upon it's pillars, none the less it is still a timely erection.
You would think that herein lies the end of this journey, but it does not. For if you but looked off to your left over at the thick woods surrounded by underbrush, you would see the beginnings of a small path midst all the brambles. Upon entering the path neath the shelter of the trees you would find not far in , a clearing. In the midst of this clearing stands a great old fountain. It was in the shape of some kind of scaled fish holding it's mouth open, and out of which I assume used to spout a stream of water. It was a spectacular thing indeed to see, for it's being isolated in the middle of the wood gives that much more mystic and an aura of age.
Next to the fountain path is a crumbling staircase, wide and tall leading up the hill. It too is all covered over with brush and vines as if giving a challenge "Come climb me if you can." It made the climb more difficult but not terribly so, it only gave one a greater sense of satisfaction upon reaching the top. As if you'd just conquered some unknown land and where looking down upon it's beauty. Herein lies the end of this journey and tale. The place in it's old and worn state feels whole and majestic. It has stood against time and thus far prevailed.
I hope that you can all visit it some day and see what it really is like to be there, and walk there. I also hope that your anticipations of this post about this place were not let down because of my inability to describe it.
It is late and I'm being summoned.
I'm going to tell you about at little place that I've fallen in love with. I've only been there once (upon a time, haha,...... yeah...... anyways) but it's just so full of history and forgotten tales that who could help but liking it.
Last month me and my family went out to see the little chapel where my brother is going to be married. It is going to be a small wedding so the chapel is also small.The church is also right beside a cemetery. I know what you're thinking, "who would want to get married next to a graveyard?" this is sort of the same thing I was thinking at first. That is, until I saw it for myself.
We pulled up in the long circle driveway that circled round in front of the chapel. The grounds were well kept and very pretty in my opinion, even in the "winter" time.The chapel itself is atleast a hundred years old. It was built using the same plans for a church that existed/exists in Mexico. It is all made of stone and has a wide stair leading up to the door. Inside there was an beautiful old organ. It doesn't play anymore but we were told that there was only one or two more like it in existence.
Inside the chapel were several narrow rows of wooden pews. Not cut straight but curved and carved beautifuly. The chapel also had stained glass windows and several slim dormers in the rafters that made the ceiling look quite gothic in era. The sun shone through the them, casting streams of light throughout the room. On the east and west sides of wall near the roof are two round stained glass windows, one on each side and yellow in hue. It was late in the afternoon when we arrived, just the time for the sun to be perfectly positioned to shine through the front circular window casting a golden haze on everything.
As cool as all this other stuff was, the most thrilling thing to me about this chapel was that, it had a tower. Oh yes, a tower. There is hardly anything I like so much as a tower on a old(or new but old is cooler) building. It was the highlight of everything that day. Unfortunately to my utter disappointment the stairs leading up to it had been taken down. It just made me wonder what exactly there were trying to hide up there, hmmm. Personally I think they should install a spiral staircase. Which btw I hardly like anything so much as those too. Towers, spiral staircases, balconies and secret passages, *sigh* nothing can compare. Well almost nothing anyways.
So the church was awesome, but the cemetery was also quite a magnificent thing itself. Have any of you guys seen Phantom of the Opera? The new one? Well the best way to describe this cemetery would be to say that it looked so much like the one on that movie, just smaller scale. (Which I love that movie as well, and not only because it has towers, spiral, staircases, balconies, and secret passages in it either.) If you have not seen the movie.....SEE IT! and to describe the cemetery to those poor, sheltered, deprived people who haven't seen it, all of the tombstones and monuments were very old and some of them very large and grand. The monumental statues just sent thrills up my spine. So many stories, so much history, so much sorrow.
Down the drive on the other side of the lawn across from the church is an arched trellis, which I suspect has climbing roses growing on it in the warmer months. It is the entrance to a stepping stone path. If you follow the path it leads you to a small pond fed by a creek. Over this creek lies a little arched foot bridge which is quite charming. After crossing the bridge there is a gazebo type structure not ten feet away. It too is made out of some kind of stone and it's roof covers what was once an old drinking pool. If standing there under it doesn't make you feel like you're in a different age , then you have one sorry imagination. Of course unworthy and disgraceful folk have engraved their runes upon it's pillars, none the less it is still a timely erection.
You would think that herein lies the end of this journey, but it does not. For if you but looked off to your left over at the thick woods surrounded by underbrush, you would see the beginnings of a small path midst all the brambles. Upon entering the path neath the shelter of the trees you would find not far in , a clearing. In the midst of this clearing stands a great old fountain. It was in the shape of some kind of scaled fish holding it's mouth open, and out of which I assume used to spout a stream of water. It was a spectacular thing indeed to see, for it's being isolated in the middle of the wood gives that much more mystic and an aura of age.
Next to the fountain path is a crumbling staircase, wide and tall leading up the hill. It too is all covered over with brush and vines as if giving a challenge "Come climb me if you can." It made the climb more difficult but not terribly so, it only gave one a greater sense of satisfaction upon reaching the top. As if you'd just conquered some unknown land and where looking down upon it's beauty. Herein lies the end of this journey and tale. The place in it's old and worn state feels whole and majestic. It has stood against time and thus far prevailed.
I hope that you can all visit it some day and see what it really is like to be there, and walk there. I also hope that your anticipations of this post about this place were not let down because of my inability to describe it.
It is late and I'm being summoned.
At 9:59 AM, Leighanne said…
Ooooh! That sounds absolutely perfect. I am hereby reserving it, roughtly 8 years in advance, for my wedding. Where is it exactly?
I, too, love towers, spiral staircases, balconies (I got out on that word at the spelling bee 2 years ago) and secret passages. They are very romantic and mysterious.
I have seen The Phantom of the Opera and I LOVED IT!!! I swear I could faint over Rauol's voice. He's even better than Josh Groban, and this is quite a pronouncement on my part, because I love Josh Groban. Though the Phantom was quite a hunk...
P.S. What are you going to name your new baby?
At 11:12 AM, Joy to the World said…
It sounds so beautiful. You described it so wonderfully that I could clearly see it in my mind. I also love spiral stair cases and towers, really anything that is Medieval or from olden day
At 12:48 PM, Leighanne said…
Noooo! Joy, you do not like medeivel stuff like your brother do you! I thought you were one of us! (jk cada) Amanda, what do you mean 'the day of our speeches?' We have to make more speeches? Please say no! I detest speeches.
At 12:02 AM, Bree said…
Well YOU don't have to give one Jc cause you already gave your impromtu, but those of us who didn't will have to.
The Phantom was awesome! I actually liked his voice better, but Rauol was cool too.Yeah I'm a Josh Groban fan as well. I must admit, guys with great voices just make me melt. *sigh* (okay getting a little too mushy here)
I'm glad you guys like it and WELCOME BACK JOY!! It's good to have you aboard again.
It's officialy Sunday! Evan is ungrounded!!!!!Yippee!
At 1:58 PM, Feanor said…
Yeah, awsome, great, cool, sweet all that good stuff, the one suspicious thing to me is, why did no guys comment on this? And that being the case, no one commented on how totally awsome Christine is, gosh wats up wi dat? Anywho, yeah I'm back, which is gleeful. It would be more so if I could keep my eyes open and could type the s and w keys properly, however, the finger joint that normaly types those keys sits in quiet refusal to obey me. Anyhow, that is all and so
At 5:18 PM, Leighanne said…
Feanor, you have a good excuse for not typing properly.
Thank goodness I don't have to make anymore speeches (for the next 2-3 weeks. Tournament time is getting alarmingly near)
Evan, no one commented on Christine because we are girls. Yes, she was beautiful and skinny as a fence post and had a great voice and all, but Rauol was GORGEOUS! I still like Rauol's voice better.
At 7:24 PM, Jeff said…
Yeah, that was okay.What did your brother think about it, Bree!Like I said, Bree the man for you is Mr.collins!Oh, yeah!
At 7:25 PM, Jeff said…
At 9:36 PM, ferretlover said…
I know how this is going to sound,but I have not seen the phantom of the opera.I also do not know who Josh Groban is.
I would love to go to someplace that is medevil.It would be sooooo cool!
groovy girl
At 10:10 PM, Joy to the World said…
Totally agree with you groovy girl. Hey Bree it was totally not fair that the weekend I get ungrounded everybody is gone
Time for bed.
At 9:20 AM, Leighanne said…
At 1:56 PM, Neo said…
Josh Groban is awsome Bree you need to post things like this more often!
i loved the way you described the Church (hahaha I Want to see it for real now!
At 11:37 PM, Feanor said…
That final person is Bethany by the way.
At 7:10 AM, Bree said…
Ahhh I was wondering who it was.
At 3:32 PM, Leighanne said…
Hey! Bethany! Love the display name...I should have thought of it myself...Evan why are you her self-appointed translator?
At 3:56 PM, ferretlover said…
Bethany,welcome!It is about time you joined the party.hehe
Jc,I would love to do that!Then I could say I have wathed it!Joy,thanks for your support.
groovy girl
At 11:23 PM, Feanor said…
HA HA HA, Bree I lov my link name change.
Leighanne: Apparently Mom wanted her to have an air of mystery, but I didn't know that, and so when I noticed that she had not identified herself I felt it my brotherly duty to help her out.
At 12:12 AM, Leighanne said…
Understood. No offense meant, just curious.
At 7:00 PM, Feanor said…
Duude, she did, but she don't know it. I suggested it, its a play on words with her middle name, but yeah basicly iss all about Casy "And with a smile of Christian charity...". And of course you know that I know, or if you don't know, you no longer know something that you once did know.
At 9:51 PM, Bree said…
*Ahem* ummm No! that one must have skipped me whilst going through the grapevine.
At 10:15 PM, Feanor said…
He said he felt homeless and would have been complete if he'd had a shopping cart, but lacking that, felt a dismal void
At 8:12 AM, Leighanne said…
I must confess I ALWAYS feel a dismal void when sleeping in a public bathroom without a shopping cart...
At 4:34 PM, Leighanne said…
I love americal Girl dolls!
At 4:35 PM, Leighanne said…
I love do dance and sing!
At 4:38 PM, Leighanne said…
Dang it! I tried to get it to say I'd done 2 comments in the same my clock I did! Unfotunately, the blogger clock isn't logging the same time as my clock. If any of you really care about the exact minute, subtract about 3.5 minutes from the posted time.
I also wished to give Bree 32 comments, which is one thing I can say I accomplished today...anyways, I'm not keeping up with comment records; did I get ya close?
At 8:06 PM, Bree said…
HA! yeah logan.....Larry king is a Hunk! (ew did I just say that?)I take pictures....if I can....
Well leighanne, Evan currently holds the record....37? 38? 39? I don't remember exactly what it is so yeah I guess I'm close.....but you would have to subtract my own comments on here to make it fair.
I will not be posting for awhile....(meaning definitely not this weekend) I will do it when I find the time.....(never) no I will try to update soon. Farewell everyone! I shall see you all next week sometime for I don't think we are coming tomorrow.
At 9:11 PM, Leighanne said…
...We shall miss you, dear.
Spiffy Texan's just become my favorite person of the month!!!
Finally, someone with some sense.
At 8:57 PM, Leighanne said…
Excuse me. I meant it as a compliment, you know, which I shall be happy to retract at the moment you choose. Try dimwit, blockhead, idiot, dunce, numbskull, or moron. Hmmph!
At 10:35 AM, Neo said…
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