The Battle with Myself

Basically what's going on with me and my sorry excuse of an effort to do God's will.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Wax on Wax off Do Re Mi

I washed my car. It needed it BAD. And I waxed it for the first time ever. I'd never waxed a car before. It was actually kind of relaxing. Just me all by myself outside, wax on, wax off. I like being outside, you can sing as loud as you want and nobody cares. Especially since we don't have any neighbors. Which is nice cause singing inside gets really loud, at least if you want to sing it well and practice like you're supposed to.
Anyways the ever hungry treadmill is calling my name....Time to get sweaty. *yay* Running is actually getting to be a pain.(literally) cause now I have to wrap my left leg real tight with bandages for added support so it doesn't hurt like it usually does. I can't even find the real bandages, I'm just using rag strips for the time being. oh well enough about that.
Chow Mien Noodles !

PS. If you want, you can check out my new layout on xanga.
I'm telling you guys, you can do so much more with xanga, it's just cooler.


  • At 11:58 AM, Blogger Neo said…

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  • At 12:00 PM, Blogger Neo said…

    XANGAS ARE TOLLALY AWSOME (IF YOU KNOW HOW TO WORK THEM! CADA is right please (CRYING) don’t rub the car thing in because not all of us and just go out and buy a Mustang.
    Cada do you have a Car/Truck?

  • At 12:52 PM, Blogger Bree said…

    My car is far from a mustang, and I can't brag about it cause I didn't buy it, and neither did my parents. Sorry I wasn't trying to rub it in.

    Xangas are not evil for the last time!

    Oh trust me it is quite comical.

    Yeah I can't wait for the party either. I just hope it WILL be fun.

    Btw any suggestions as to what I should come as? I can't make up my mind.

  • At 3:32 PM, Blogger Bree said…

    Oh no...the two of you together? The horror!

    A human? How boring is that?

    This is slightly funny because it has something to do along the lines of the letter I'm writing.

    It's pretty much about not being distinct and not having a uniquely carved out nitch where I belong. Everything is mediocre.

    Caleb, if you let steffen wear your pants.....just let him keep them. Don't rewear them. *shudder.... chills... shiver me timbers!*
    (hey I could come as a she Pirate! arg)

  • At 5:50 PM, Blogger Leighanne said…

    Well, I can definitely relate to having to wrap your leg. I have tendonitis, which means that I have to rub my feet and ankles all the time and soak them in hot water and I sometimes I wrap them, though I don't like to, and stretch WAY more than I'd like. Have you talked to a doctor? It's bad to work your leg too hard if there's really something wrong...

    Whoah, sorry about that. Just listening to myself makes me sound wierd! I have absolutely nothing to wear, but talking about being a hobbit makes me think of a guy at my church that we call Frodo, because he looks very muchly like a hobbit.



  • At 9:23 AM, Blogger Leighanne said…

    *sigh* I had thought of being a pirate, but that is apparantly taken. Darn! Maybe, if I get my dress in time, I can come as Scarlett O'Hara or something. maybe.


  • At 5:09 PM, Blogger Leighanne said…

    A penguin? I can't wait to see what you'll be.


  • At 7:16 AM, Blogger Bree said…

    I totally thought of doing that! But it would be really hot.

  • At 11:30 AM, Blogger Feanor said…

    Ashley, you said what I was thinking, but restrained myself from saying. Except for the Charlize Theron thing, that was just random

  • At 2:36 PM, Blogger Leighanne said…

    I was beginning to wonder...;-)


  • At 8:51 AM, Blogger Leighanne said…

    Steffen! What in the world? Very clever.


  • At 9:40 AM, Blogger ferretlover said…

    Wolf,I hate to burst your bubble but nikily is going as Count Olaf from "a series of unfortunate events".I am going as Jadice from "Narnia".I seems to fit my personality so well. :)

    groovy girl :)

  • At 10:00 AM, Blogger Leighanne said…

    Nothing shall ever surprise me again. I really like Mr. T in the movie...speaking of...*ahem* Never mind. Everyone's costume is going to be so cool and mine will be awful!


  • At 10:38 AM, Blogger Bree said…

    I feel your pain. Mine is going to be terrible, and I don't even know what it is yet!

    GG I have some Ice/snow looking stuff you could put on your eyelashes if you would like to borrow it. It does look really cool, I actually that of coming as the witch just because I had that stuff, but I'm slightly too vertically challenged for that role and (though it would be true to the book) it wouldn't be true to the movie as far as the blonde hair goes. I'd have to get a wig or some temporary color.

  • At 10:33 PM, Blogger Leighanne said…

    But temprorary color is FUN!!!! In the King and I last summer I dyed my hair jet black and it was so fun. Didn't look to great with my skin pigment and all, but from a distance I actually looked kind of Siamese!


  • At 5:34 PM, Blogger Bree said…

    Ooooo me! pick me! I'm a tall skinny guy!

    Squeaky, squeaky, I'm a squeaky guy.
    I have squeaky pants,
    I do my squeaky dance.
    Pomp reer pomp reer pomp reer.

  • At 5:44 PM, Blogger Leighanne said…

    ST, yes, yes, but where did that come from? PLEASE, all of you! It is boatloads of fun. This summer they are doing a really cute Dr. Seuss play that I am hoping dearly to be in. ST, you too! You were a great Henry. Henry, wasn't it? No, it was...oh dear. Who did you play?

    At least your character had a NAME! I was just "girl in outside schoolroom." Did you know that I was almost Mary, the girl who's boyfriend was killed? I wasn't though. They pulled me out at the last moment. I wouldn't have been able to do it, anyways! I would have cried EVERY TIME having to say "I looked for him, but he wasn't there."

    I smile ruefully thinking of playing Brandon Miller's girlfriend! I shudder in horror at the thought of being Andy Wilson's.

    Anyways, old memories come flooding over me.


  • At 11:44 AM, Blogger Leighanne said…

    Oh no, his picture just looks like whoever took it was trying to center it, and just messed up. Spiff, I'm sorry but headshots are SUPPOSED to be centered. By definition.


    Ya'll will never believe how many times I have to go back and retype myt initials because I can't seem to type JC. I usually get the J, followed by D, X, V, F, S, etc. :-)

  • At 10:18 PM, Blogger Feanor said…

    Do they have an inside pool? I would be frikened of the cold if it was outside ::snickers at memories of splashing wars on the lake in 40 degree weather in December::.

    Yo Bree, why didn't you post? Was your impression of me just too frightening? :).

  • At 9:09 AM, Blogger Bree said…

    Well GOSH! I'm trying OKAY!?! It's taking me awhile to think this one through, and make sure I don't leave anybody out or anything.

    No Evan it had nothing to with that.

    AMANDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That's not supposed to happen! grrrr and I planned it so you could come and everything.
    What a cruel and harsh world we live in.

    I will post today.....hopefully

    Cada- hmmmm I'm not remembering that BUT.......I do remember passing you guyses curch at about 10:00 and seeing a white van pull in right about that time. I think they were the first ones there.
    Was it thee and thine?


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